• IB Program For All

    The IB curriculum at JQUS teaches students to be critical learners, analytical thinkers, and compassionate humanitarians that are well-balanced, principled, open-minded, and caring. In addition to a rigorous academic program that prepares students for university work, we provide diverse and rich extracurricular programs and activities to develop students’ social lives.
    "IB for all" at JQUS means that all students grades 6-12 are enrolled in the IB curriculum. Students in grades 6-10 are enrolled in the Middle Years Program (MYP) and students in grades 11-12 are enrolled in the Diploma Program (DP). The DP is a rigorous pre-university course of study that leads to IB examinations. At the end of the two years of the DP, each student takes assessments, both graded internally by teachers and externally by an international board of examiners who are monitored by the IB Organization. Colleges recognize completed IB coursework through admissions considerations, college level credits, scholarship opportunities, and advanced standing. 

    Teaching and Learning in the IB program is:

    • Based on inquiry 
    • Focused on conceptual understanding
    • Developed in local and global contexts
    • Focused on effective teamwork and collaboration
    • Differentiated to meet the needs of all learners
    • Informed by assessment (formative and summative)

    Curriculum and Instruction Leaders

    We support IB-for-all through developing and sharing instructional practices that support academic achievement for every student. We do this through providing individual teacher and leader support, coming alongside both staff and students as co-thinkers, organizing teacher collaborative work, and creating teacher-directed professional development.

    Kristina Danahy - kdanahy@bostonpublicschools.org
    Jessica Tsai - jtsai2@bostonpublicschools.org


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